
Deep Residual Networks for Plant Identification

Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol 152, 2019, Pages 186-194
  • Found a novel approach in residual networks by skipping three layers instead of two.
  • The give model was tested on the LeafSnap dataset consisting of different 185 plant species.
  • Achieved 93.09% accuracy on testing dataset, illustrating that deep learning is a highly promising forestry technology.


Code2Create WebApp

  • Developed a database in MongoDB for a hackathon, integrated authentication through Gmail/Facebook. Also developed back-end for live quiz, and added additional features allowing admins to send invites to other users and form teams

Robo Path

  • Implemented an intelligent agent that can perform BFS, DFS, UCS and A-star to find the most optimal shortest path from one location to another.

All About VIT

  • Reduced workload of students by 90% by developing a website in Django where students can see hostel rooms online and can engage with each other to ask and answer questions about a variety of academic topics


  • Developed a chatbot for college students (as dynamic as possible) which conquer general queries related to VIT.
  • Provide ideas on how to clear backlogs/arrears, by looking at the record of students who got backlogs and how they had passed those exams.
  • Used Convolutional Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, RASA Framework etc.

Emotional AI

  • Developed a model using CNN and RNN to predict user’s emotion from facial expressions and text data with 90% confidenc
  • Established real-time counseling solutions to users by building an end-to-end application using Flask and JavaScript.

VIT Cab Share

  • Revamped entire database design to improve performance by 40% by migrating from PHP to NodeJS

Classifying Garbage using CNN

  • Augmentation : As the data size was not sufficient, augmented techniques have been applied to increase the dataset size.
  • Dataset : Converted dataset into into binary files(HDF5 dataset) as it takes very less time in processing.
  • Web Sockets : Implemented socket programming which enables us to work in real time environment.
  • Accuracy : Model trained on GPU (Google Colab) and achieved an 97.4% accuracy on training dataset and 93.2% on testing dataset

Movies Prediction

  • A python script that looks up for all movies available on my desktop and extract plot, ratings and genre.
  • Used web scraping, sentimental analysis, data cleaning, data analysis and machine learning concepts.
  • Output is shown by with plotting graphs using R and Python and providing excel file listing all the movie features.